Mixed Media is a type of visual art that combines more than one medium into a single artwork. The concept of Mixed Media is particularly broad, employing numerous tools and techniques from various visual art disciplines to create cohesive and complex works within a single piece. It adheres to the principles of artistic composition, allowing creators to convey feelings and emotional narratives through the combination of diverse materials.
Materials Used in Mixed Media
The most common forms of Mixed Media include collages, assemblages, and various sculptures. Mixed Media artworks often use different materials to create a single piece, ranging from natural elements such as plants, animals, and minerals to synthetic materials like paper, fabric, paint, and metal.

Principles of Mixed Media
To begin working with Mixed Media most effectively, you need to establish goals and principles for each Mixed Media artwork. The essence of Mixed Media art lies in the intentional combination of these materials to create tangible works that convey stories, emotions, or describe events. For example, the three-dimensional perspective of Mixed Media art can enhance the storytelling experience of the work, allowing viewers to understand the narrative more immersively and in greater detail.

How to Create Mixed Media Art
Starting a Mixed Media project opens up limitless possibilities. For beginners, we recommend painting a background for the piece and then starting to layer with pasting and stamping, which can often be seen in randomly pasted flower stickers or seashells on the background. One interesting technique is to paint additional diverse colors on the background before adding the most important media elements.

We encourage you to try creating Mixed Media art randomly! Don’t worry about right or wrong; all you need to think about is creativity and having fun with it. Designers or artists seeking uniqueness in their creations often combine elements from many different art disciplines to create attractive, multi-dimensional works in the current era. The concept of Mixed Media art has found applications in numerous business sectors, being used to produce three-dimensional works that capture audience attention to achieve marketing goals (Commercial Art) from marketing companies, whether it’s 3D movies or retro collage-style advertising posters for contemporary beverages.

Mixed Media vs. Digital Arts
Mixed Media consists of various materials and media within a single work, different from digital arts or multimedia arts, which combine multiple art pieces with visual elements using specific tools such as color adjustment, shape, texture, and shading only.
Popular Mixed Media Examples

1. “Still Life with Chair Caning” – Pablo Picasso (1912): This Mixed Media artwork by the famous artist Picasso was created using newspaper scraps, fabric, oil paint, and rope.

2. “Mama, Mummy and Mamma” by Njideka Akunyili Crosby (2014): This Mixed Media painting was created using materials including charcoal and colored pencils, acrylic paint, and screen printing techniques on transfer paper with ink.

3. “White Flag” by Jasper Johns (1955): A Mixed Media image creating the American flag, made using materials that symbolize American politics such as oil paint, newspaper, and charcoal on canvas.

4. “Bicycle Wheel” by Marcel Duchamp (1913): Bicycle Wheel was Duchamp’s first Mixed Media work, consisting of a bicycle fork with a front wheel mounted on a wooden stool. Duchamp would display Bicycle Wheel in his private studio and occasionally spin the wheel, making it the world’s first physically interactive Mixed Media artwork.